Mobile App (iOS, Android) - Restaurant Recommender

React Native, Express, Node JS, MongoDB, Yelp API, RiveScript

A mobile app that recommends restaurants to users. It focused on finding similar restaurants to the ones selected by users based on certain criteria.

Mobile App (iOS, Android) - Map Tracking

React-Native, Node JS, Express, MongoDB

A mobile app that can request the location permission from users, track users’ real-time locations, and draw a route on the map. The users can record, save, and retrieve their tracks. It can be used to record users' running tracks.

Mobile App (iOS, Android) - Blog Management

React-Native, Node JS, Express, MongoDB

A mobile app that enables users to create, edit, read, and delete blogs. I mainly worked on React Native advanced state management with context.

Web App - Exchange Rate Monitor

React, Redux, Express, Node JS, MongoDB

A website application that enables users to set up accounts, read about exchange rates analysis, set up notifications and get on the waiting list for new features.

Web App - E-commerce Price Sensitivity Tool

React, Koa, Node JS, MongoDB, Polaris, GraphQL, Apollo, Shopify API

A Shopify embedded web application that enables e-commerce store owners to monitor their international customers’ price sensitivity on each product in each currency.

WhatsApp Chatbot - English Convo Practice

RiveScript, MongoDB, WhatsApp Business API, Google Natural Language API, Bad Word Filter API, Python

A WhatsApp chatbot for English learners to practice conversational English. The bot can detect languages, entities, bad words and sentiments to respond with proper words with the right tone. It can also loop in our staff if the bot isn’t able to respond.

Machine Learning Research

A supervised binary classification to predict the S&P 500 stock price moving direction the next trading day.